Health and wellness in the workplace is becoming a growing trend around the world and Dominica is no exception. In the Nature Isle of the Caribbean, most of the resources needed to get our bodies rejuvenated after a hard day of work are readily available. We have water in its most natural form and in abundance, a large variety of fruits and vegetables and to top it up an abundance of clean oxygen to restore those cells.
Businesses in Dominica can help their employees improve their health by:
- Providing Health & Wellness tips posting on bulletin boards or through office email.
- Inviting Health & Wellness personal to have lectures or presentations to staff.
- Selecting healthy snacks when hosting meetings and workshops.
- Providing water coolers at work or ensuring clean drinking water.
- Encouraging staff to take part in physical activities that is fun like hiking, swimming and walking.
By improving the health of it employee, the organisation tends to benefit a great deal. It certainly lowers the risk of injury and absenteeism at work. An employee’s confidence increases significantly when they are in good health and that in return results in a positive output in their work.